Jeremy Taylor

Man Calls 911 Looking For Nookie
While it may feel like it is, the lack of a sexual partner is not technically an “emergency.”

Billionaire Gives $20,000 Tip For Directions
It can be pretty stressful when a stranger asks you for directions. Suddenly this person you don’t know is putting their future in your hands by requesting you immediately and accurately reference the map in your brain.
But before you tell the next lost person who approaches you that you’re “actually not from around here,” consider this: The stranger with a poor sense of direction could be a gener

Dogs Who Chase Their Tails May Suffer From Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
When we see a pooch chase its tail, we tend to just dismiss it as a dog being a dog. But there appears to be more to this illogical canine behavior, as researchers from Finland have been able to link it to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

High School Senior Combats Bullying With ‘Good News Only’ Twitter
Kevin Curwick is a senior at Osseo High School in Osseo, MN. He’s also the captain of the school’s football team — which makes him an unlikely candidate for cyberbullying.

Hilarious Five Guys Burger Review Gets the Autotune Treatment
Recently a video review that YouTube personality Daym Drops did of Five Guys Burgers and Fries went viral, thanks to Drops’ enthusiastic embrace of the restaurant chain’s greasy fare.
While the video is quite entertaining, it’s six minutes long, a tough sell in today’s climate of instant gratification. But never fear – The Gregory Brothers have remixed the review into a more manageable two minute

How Do You Watch Movies? — Survey of the Day
It is assumed that streaming video will eventually be the death knell of the DVD and Blu-ray industries. But could the easy-to-use technology also be cutting into movie box office profits?

Does US Olympic Success Make You Proud to Be an American? — Survey of the Day
The Olympic creed begins “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part.”

Going to the Gym May Actually Make You a Fattie
Here’s a depressing thought for anybody who’s hit the gym to lose pounds: working out can actually make you gain weight.

Would You Use a GPS App to Track Your Spouse? — Survey of the Day
We know sometimes people keep tabs on their ex through social media. But what about when you’re married? Do folks want to know their significant others’ whereabouts at all times?

Hotel Replaces Bibles With Copies of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’
Here’s a story that may offend both the religious and fans of good fiction. A hotel in England has replaced all of its Gideon Bibles with ‘Fifty Shades of Grey,’ the first installment in E.L. James’s notorious trilogy of “mommy porn.”

Mystery of Utah’s ‘Goat Man’ Solved
Last week, a man wearing a goat suit was spotted among a herd of wild goats in the mountains of Northern Utah.

Would You Date Somebody 15 Years Older Than You? — Survey of the Day
While flings with a much older man — and by much older we mean at least a 15-year difference — have long been sighted amongst women in our culture (Exhibit A: Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas), it is only recently that romances where the woman is the much older partner have come into the forefront.