Don Deane

Olympic Gold Medals Aren’t Really Gold at All — Find Out What They’re Made Of
If there’s one thing we’ve always taken for granted regarding the Olympics, it’s that gold medals are actually made out of gold. So imagine our surprise when we learned that this year’s first place medals are mostly silver.

Marriage Proposal Goes Horribly Wrong During Cubs Game
A Chicago Cubs fan named Greg wanted to give his girlfriend a marriage proposal that she’d never forget. So he popped the question via the video scoreboard during a game on Monday night at Wrigley Field. There was just one problem — she wasn’t in her seat at the time.

Working the Late Shift Could Give You a Heart Attack
While some may prefer the relative quiet of working the late shift, a new study says that after-hours work may be bad for your health.
In fact, the study says, working the graveyard shift may actually give you a heart attack or stroke.

You Can Now Get Mashed Potatoes and Gravy From a Vending Machine
In a move that will probably delight and disgust convenience store shoppers at the same time, 7-11 has begun offering mashed potatoes and gravy via a vending machine. Alas, the machines aren’t available here in the US yet. As strange as it sounds, we’d probably be first on line if they were.

See the First Image Ever Uploaded to the Internet
The very first photo uploaded to the internet is making the rounds once again nearly 20 years after earning the distinction. And, no, it’s not a photo of cat, a corgi or even Nicolas Cage. It’s way, way worse than that.

Woman Bravely Rescues Kids in Runaway Van
A quick-thinking woman bravely put herself in harm’s way to rescue two children in a runaway van recently. And although the woman’s rescue attempt didn’t quite go according to plan, she somehow managed to stop the vehicle before it rolled into the middle of a busy intersection.

Woman Sells Her Soul on eBay for $2,000
A down-and-out New Mexico woman has put her “slightly used” soul up for auction on eBay. The starting price is only $2,000, which, if you think about it, is a great price for an immortal soul. Any takers?

Mother Wants 14-Year-Old Daughter to Get Breast Implants
In what will no doubt win her a future Mother of Year Award, a UK mom is publicly urging her 14-year-old daughter to get breast implants when she turns 18.

Fireworks Fail! San Diego’s July 4th Display Goes Off All at Once
While the rest of us were enjoying a lengthy 4th of July fireworks show last night, San Diego residents got completely robbed when their display went off all at once in a spectacular explosion that lasted a mere 15 seconds.

Facebook Introduces Same-Sex Marriage Icons
As part of its increasing efforts to promote an equal environment for gay users, Facebook added two new icons over the weekend which make it possible to declare same-sex marriage status.

Man Applies Sunscreen, Bursts into Flames
Sunscreen is supposed to protect against burns, but it had the exact opposite effect on a Massachusetts man when a layer of applied lotion was ignited by a hot grill and burst into flames. That’s gonna be one heck of a sunburn.

Awesome Bro Attempts to Set World Record for Fist-Pumping
In a move that will no doubt thrill the Guidos cast of ‘Jersey Shore,’ a 34-year-old man in Akron, Ohio, attempted to set a Guinness World Record by continuously pumping his fist for 17 hours over the weekend.