Apple Cider Festival and Chili Cookoff This Weekend
All you had to say was "Apple Cider Festival," and I'm there. And then you go ahead and add "Chili Cookoff" on top of that, and we're suddenly talking about the greatest event of all time.
Ninemile Wildlife Group is holding their own cider pressing event tomorrow at the 9Mile Community Center. That means you bring your own apples and actually get to turn them into cider for free. Plus, like I said, chili. Here's the info from their Facebook event page:
Ninemile Cider Pressing Oct. 12
On Saturday, Oct. 12 from 11am-3pm, the Ninemile Wildlife Workgroup is hosting an Apple Cider Festival and Chili Cookoff at the 9Mile Community Center (25620 Nine Mile Road, Huson). Bring your backyard apples and get assistance pressing them into cider for free. The free event is open to anyone, and a chili lunch and desserts are offered for a small fee. Learn more at ninemilewildlife.org.
Be Bear Aware Campaign will be on hand with the bear spray training course to teach the public How to Deploy Bear Spray in four mock scenarios. Instructor Chuck Bartlebaugh and the Be Bear Aware Campaign have been teaching the public about bear avoidance and proper use of bear spray for more than three decades.