Acclaimed Violinist Lindsey Stirling Will Play Kettlehouse
This sort of got lost in the shuffle of nonstop concert announcements for me over the last few days - Shakey Graves! ZZ Top! Wilco and Sleater-Kinney! A third night for Brandi Carlile! So I was surprised when my girlfriend texted me a link and said "WE HAVE TO GO TO THIS," and when I clicked on the link, it wasn't any of the shows I just mentioned. Instead, it's yet another Kettlehouse Amphitheater show scheduled for this summer: Lindsey Stirling will be performing there on Thursday, September 9th.
I wasn't really familiar, but my girlfriend told me that she had seen Lindsey Stirling perform at Big Sky Brewing a few years back, and that it was one of the most incredible performances she had ever seen. Stirling's a violinist that dabbles in pop, dance, and electronic music, and just checking out one of her songs convinced me that, yep, this should be a really cool show.
If you're looking to go, tickets are actually on sale right now over at Logjam Presents' website, and they range between $38 and $50 depending on whether you're in the lawn or in the pit.
Logjam's really been making up for lost time over the last few days after having to take 2020 off thanks to COVID - what other shows do you want to see scheduled at the Kettlehouse Amphitheater before the summer is up? Do you think we'll see a few more shows announced for The Wilma while they're at it?