A Missoula Celebrity Should Replace Adam Levine on ‘The Voice’
As you may have heard, Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine is leaving The Voice, where he's served as a celebrity judge for 16 seasons. Supposedly they'll be replacing him with Gwen Stefani, but hold the phone now, shouldn't we get a say in this?
Let's toss some Missoula celebrities in the mix! We've got plenty of qualified candidates. Author and Youtuber Hank Green lives in town - maybe he could do it! Or John Wicks, the drummer for Fitz and the Tantrums and co-owner of Drum Coffee! I can see the promos now!
Of course, I'd throw my own hat in the ring as a local radio sensation, as well as all of my esteemed radio colleagues. We know music, and we're ready to coach, and more importantly make a lot of money doing it.
Got any other Missoula celebrities you'd like to see on The Voice? Let us know!