High school and middle school students who are a lot smarter than I ever was will be in Missoula next week.

You will have a chance to view all the exhibits at the 62nd annual Montana Science Fair Monday and Tuesday, March 27-28, in the Adams Center on the University of Montana campus. In addition to the competition, UM researchers and scientists will be hosting hands-on activities for students, teachers and parents.

Your chance to view these bright young students' exhibits will be Monday from 7:00 p.m. till 9:00 p.m. and again Tuesday morning from 8:00-9:00. Public viewings are free.

This is a major event, with over 300 judges and over $15,000 in prizes to be awarded. The grand award winners move on to an international competition in Los Angeles in May.

We wish all these outstanding Montana students the very best and hope you can get over to the Adams Center to take a look.


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